Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Every Day is a Good Day

"Happiness Moments"

-Definitely dropped our house keys down a drainage thing yesterday... good thing people here are nice and saw us desperately trying to use my magnet name tag to attract the keys to it and they helped us out.

-Decided to push our beds together and watch the best two years in Spanish for language study with some popcorn one night. Best decision we have ever made.

-Juan and Omar got baptized!! These two little kids are the most energetic bunch ever. After their confirmation the Bishop said, "These are now the two newest members of the ward..." And Omar yelled, "WAHOO!!!" Haha I love them with all my heart.

I feel like this week I have a couple of scattered thoughts. So here we go... :)

Every day is a good day when we choose Christ. A scripture that really hit my heart this week is in D&C 50: 40-42. What a good reminder that we are never alone, we are His, and He will never leave us behind.

As odd as it sounds, getting outside of your comfort zone is never really comfortable;) But wow am I grateful for the recent experiences that I have had to get outside of my comfort zone and serve others. A quote that I love is, "A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

I invite you all to learn more about Christ this week, and then to get outside of your comfort zone and strive to do as He did, speak as He spoke, and be more like Him. I promise when you do so, every day will be a good day.

I love you all!

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Power of Not Knowing

Hermanas Carter, Greenwood, Tukuafu, and Rice at the Mexico City Temple
This past week I read an INCREDIBLE talk titled, "The Power of Not Knowing" by Liz Wiseman. (It is a BYU speech.) And I wanted to share a couple of quotes and thoughts. :)

"Where is learning really born? It is born in the struggle."

"Sometimes the more we know, the less we see around us."

Hermanas Vieira & Greenwood (Intercambios/ Exchanges)
She also gives a couple of key things that we can focus on, especially when we feel like we don't know what we are doing.

1. Ask more questions
2. Admit what you don't know
3. Learn to see the genius in others

Have you ever felt like you don't know what you're doing? Have you ever tried to fake it until you make it? I have. But why focus on what we can't do or can't control? That only leaves us running around in circles. Something that leaves us out of breath and with a big headache.

Scrambled Eggs and Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll (First Cinnabon ever!)
This week I want to encourage you all (and I will do the same) to ask more questions, admit when you don't know or understand something, and look for the genius in others (and tell them!)

"Sometimes our state of not knowing is actually where we come to know God."

Instead of focusing on what you don't know, focus on what you can learn.
More than anything, focus on God.

Maybe we don't know everything, but we do know that Heavenly Father knows and loves us perfectly. Remember that. :)

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Who We Are

Hermanas Greenwood & Carter

 I firmly believe that this past week about takes the cake for one of the best weeks of my mission.
I absolutely LOVE my new apartment and area and ward, and my companion is great and the cute hermanas in my zone are lovely. I couldn't be happier.

I have seen the Lord's hand so clearly and felt His angels more than ever in my life. We don't know the area, but somehow we get everywhere we need to go without problems. We had almost nothing to go off of when we first came into this area, and have since found AMAZING people to teach. The field is white and ready to harvest.

Study Area

This past week was my first time leading companion exchanges. Although I didn't really know what I was doing, I realized very quickly that companion exchanges are just a way that we can learn from each other and enjoy the journey that we are on as missionaries. I had the wonderful opportunity to be with an hermana who just barely came from the CCM, and I wanted to share with you all something she learned from her teacher there.


He said, "A testimony isn't just what we believe, it is who we are."

I have fallen in love with that perspective. When we have a strong testimony of something, we act on it, we do it, it becomes a part of who we are, and that is how we become converted.

Living Room

I am SO grateful to know that I am a daughter of God who loves me even when I don't feel like I deserve it, to know that He has given me gifts that I can develop and share with others, and that this plan brings happiness that can't even be described.


You are a child of God, He loves you even when you don't feel like you deserve it, and you have received great gifts from Him that you can develop and share with others in this wonderful plan of happiness that we are living.


Never forget who you are. :)

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hard Goodbyes, Adventurous Beginnings

Surprise gifts from ward members

Just in this past week SO much has changed.

-After being in Ecatepec for nearly nine months (my whole mission except for the CCM), I got moved to the opposite side of the mission. Saying goodbye to wonderful members and investigators was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

-I now live like a 10 minute walk from the temple!!! It is the best thing ever.

-I was called to be a Sister Training Leader and am super excited to serve the Lord and a wonderful zone of hermanas!

Happiness Moments:

-We are whitewashing an area and have no idea where we are, and last night we ended up taking public transportation WAY outside of our area. But it was the best adventure ever. Literally angels were helping us find our way and then we found the first counselor in the mission presidency and he bought us tacos. :)

-When we went to buy groceries today, we accidentally told the taxi driver the wrong way to get home... we decided to just walk from there because we didn't think it was that far.... and then we pitifully carried many pounds of groceries that were falling out of their bags the rest of the way! hahahaha.

I have been thinking a lot about leadership this past week, and I started reading an interview with Elder Bednar that is called “A Conversation on Leadership.” And thus far, it has changed my life.

My favorite quote so far is, "As long as we're clueless, we're dependent on heaven."

I LOVE that. The moment we think that we can do it on our own is the moment we stop including God as much in our lives. We can see this pattern over and over again in the Book of Mormon. The pride cycle.

I felt beyond clueless as I entered my new area and became a sister training leader. After being stressed for a little bit, I realized it is really the best position to be in. I remembered once again how dependent I am on heaven, and how dependent we should all be on heaven EVERY day.

In a letter my mom sent me a little while ago, she talked about how we really should be pleading for help every day; not a day should go by without pleading and counseling with our loving Father in Heaven who will help us every step of the way. :)

No matter how hard the goodbyes, not matter how adventurous the beginnings, depending on heaven is what will get you through it all.


Hermana Greenwood:)

(Note from Mom: Saying goodbye to so many wonderful friends this week was incredibly difficult for Kim. Thank you to all those who showed her so much kindness! She loves you and so do we!)