Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Heavenly Headaches

Sister Greenwood at the Mexico City Temple

Week one in the MTC is already over!!! (Although it also feels like I have been here for approximately 4 years.) The language is hard, but I have already taught five lessons (to a fake investigator) in SPANISH. Well, Spanglish. But it´ll come, little by little.

Sisters Greenwood & Palsson (companion)

My district is super funny and have amazing insights. My companion is Hermana Palsson from Alpine, Utah who is absolutely adorable. We have the best time joking around about pretty much everything and anything that you can think of. I love her. 

Mirror Selfie =)

My head is constantly pounding because I am trying to force so much information into it, but learning here is way more satisfying than cramming for finals week. I care so much about the information that I am learning and the ways that I can improve.

Sisters Palsson (comp) & Johnson (met at the airport)

First glimpse of an area in the Mexico City East Mission

God is GOOD my friends, so good. There are highs and lows every day but I have seen the Lord's hand in so many ways so many different times. (Even if it is just getting to have mashed potatoes for dinner and Nutella toast for dessert.) He is truly in the details of our lives.

On the bus

Last night Elder Rasband gave a devotional at the Provo MTC that was broadcast to us. It was SO amazing. The main message of his talk was emphasizing what President Nelson talked about in Conference. We need to learn to receive personal revelation. I strongly encourage you to go back and read his talk!! I know that as we stay close to Christ, we can bring many more to Christ.

I am praying for you and love you all!
Have a miraculous week. :)

-Hermana Greenwood :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Adventure Begins

Kim with her grandparents after being set apart as a full-time missionary
Final farewell at the airport

A note from Kim's mom: Kimberly has officially become a full-time missionary! As expected, the farewell at the airport this morning was bitter-sweet. We were very happy to meet two other sister missionaries who are heading to the Mexico MTC with Kim. We watched the three of them go through the security line, then we headed home and tracked the plane's progress for the next four hours.  =)  We received a brief email from her once she arrived to let us know that she was safely there. She is feeling a bit overwhelmed, but is optimistic! She said that everyone there is very nice. The adventure has begun!