Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Food for the Righteous

Maria's Baptism
"Living After the Manner of Happiness" Moments:

-*jamming out to an awesome 80's song in the street while waiting for a member* Hna. Tukuafu:"Is this a Mexican song or does it belong to YOUR people?" Haha, I sure do love "my" people in the US. ;)

-Learned how to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" in Tongan. I am officially partially American, Mexican, and Tongan.

-Maria GOT BAPTIZED. Wow she is amazing. She can't stop telling us how much the Gospel of Christ has changed her life and how happy she is. She truly radiates the light of Christ.

Hermanas Greenwood & Tukuafu with Maria

The majority of this week was absolutely amazing. And the only parts that weren't amazing were when I wasn't looking for the miracles that were right under my nose.

In the little book that I have to write my "happiness" moments, I decided to also write all of the tender mercies and ways that I have seen the Lord's hand in my life. I have tried this time after time in the past, and usually stop doing it after a week or so. But this past week, seeing the difference it made in my attitude has rejuvinated my motivation to do it again.

Study Area

I want to share something with you that my Grandma and Grandpa told me this past week in their email to me:

"Though Satan loves to discourage, he never seems to realize that it usually turns out to be food for the righteous, because stronger faith comes from overcoming what he has presented.  The Lord turns all of Satan's antics into benefits."

Cleaning up after the washer FLOODED

I know it gets hard, it gets hard because Satan is very real. But God is real too, and the power of His love will always win. Always remember to turn to Heavenly Father in the times of trouble. He will fill you with strength and love. It is the best food you could ever have.

You are all so wonderful!!! Have an amazing week!!!

Love, Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Vi una columna de luz..."

Hermanas Greenwood & Xique DRENCHED

Update on the logistical stuff:

-I was training Hna Xique whose original mission is in the Dominican Republic. She got her visa last week, and is headed out. Saying goodbye to her involved many tears, but man am I grateful for her goodness. She is amazing.

Down Time (or Up Time)

-We were living in a house with four of us, and Hermana Soto (the lovely companion I had trained before this cycle) has been having knee problems, so she got transferred to the visitor's center in our mission. So I am now finishing the training of the lovely Hermana Tukuafu (from Tonga)!!

Very afraid of getting her hair cut

Update on the spiritual goodness:

This past week I had interviews with my Mission President. As I explained to him some of the struggles that I have been having with feeling down or discouraged, I related it to the story of Joseph Smith. He challenged me to go home and re-read Joseph Smith History (at least the part where the first vision occurs), find the steps he took to pray in faith, and take the same steps.

Lots of unwanted layers

I did as my mission president wisely suggested. I found myself kneeling on the floor in the bathroom (the only place where you can be alone in the mission;) ), pouring out my soul unto God.

Words can't describe what I felt. The feelings of doubt and fear were overcome by comfort, love, and peace. I may not have seen a pillar of light, I may not have physically seen an angel, but the power I felt was undeniable.

I testify of God's power and of His love for each of us. He commands us to "pour out our souls" (Alma 34) unto Him, and just a few nights ago I discovered why He pleads with us to do so.

But still plenty long

I invite all of you to find out why our loving Heavenly Father has asked us to POUR out our souls unto Him. And I would love to hear about your experiences. Heavenly Father loves you and is patiently waiting to hear from you and to fill you with His love.

Happiness and joy that you can't even imagine awaits you. Go and get it. :)

Love, Hermana Greenwood

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

este es el momento

"Living After the Manner of Happiness Moments"

-I gave a talk in church and afterwards my companion was making fun of how red my face gets when I get nervous she basically said: "Hna. Greenwood, your face talks for you. When you got up to speak I was like, 'is that Hna. Greenwood or a piece of salami?'"
Needless to say my confidence increased ten-fold;)

-Hna Tukuafu (one of the girls in the other companionship that I live with) got lice! Our mission president's wife told us to go out and buy special shampoo and wash EVERYTHING in our house. I don't think I have ever washed so much clothing in my life. Surprisingly, washing things by hand is pretty fun!

Being a missionary (or just living life) continues to have its ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes it feels a little unbearable. Whether it's because you've been rejected, people didn't keep their promises, you feel alone, the computer shuts down in the middle of a big project, or you simply get a bad haircut, and you feel that there is no glue that will ever piece back together your broken life, grades, or heart, I have the solution. I may not be a doctor, but I have medication that I want you all to apply daily.

The first batch is called JOY. Joy stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself. When we think of Christ first, and focus on Him, the next thing we will do is look for others who need our help and love. (Just take a quick look around, and offer your love.) And I promise when you do this, you yourself will be well taken care of.

The second is called primary. I call it primary because that's exactly where I learned it. It is to read your scriptures daily, and soak in the messages that were put there for YOU to learn, grow, and feel of Heavenly Father's love. It is to pray fervently, because I promise you that Heavenly Father is waiting anxiously to hear from YOU and wants to help you feel His peace and live His plan of happiness.

Este es el momento. Now is the time to make the decision to have JOY in your life, which is everybody's PRIMARY purpose here. ;)

I love you all. Thank you for being who you are, and I encourage you to keep working towards who God put you here to be. Your influence is greater than you know.

Have the grandest week of your life:)

With great love, 
Hermana Greenwood

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Dearly and Perfectly

"Living After the Manner of Happiness" Moments:

Nancy's Baptism

--My companion is still learning English, and sometimes that makes for some of the best moments. I asked her if she had heard of the song, "You Are a Light on a Hill" and although she hadn't, she tried to translate it. It's unfortunate that "hill" and "hell" sound so incredibly similar. I think I would rather be a light on a HILL. ;)

Christopher's Baptism

--We found some see-saws (or teetertotters?) and decided to take a little break and play. Maybe we should take the new missionary changes more seriously and wear pants because playing on those things in skirts probably wasn't the best idea. But it was beyond worth it because I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!! :)

Being a missionary has changed my life. It has changed my life because it has changed my perspective and my understanding of life and the gospel. I think a lot of the simple scripture found in 1 Nephi 11:17 - 

"...I know that He loveth His children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."

I have learned more to trust in God's timing and in the infinite grace of Christ. Although the process of learning, growing, changing, and understanding isn't always a comfortable one, it is a process that has brought more joy into my life than I can possibly express.

I don't know the meaning of all things, but I know that God is our Father, and He loves us
 (including YOU) so dearly and so perfectly. Don't ever forget it. :)

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


How has another year come and gone?

Hermanas Greenwood, Tukuafu, Xique, and Soto with member friends at church

The year of 2018 was one of the best of my life. I have had so many new experiences that have changed me for the better, met so many new people that have blessed my life, and gotten closer to my Savior more than ever before.

Normally during this time people make a lot of goals and plans to improve their lives. Something that I have realized on my mission is that we should be making goals and plans to improve EVERY DAY.

Another View

This past week I was studying a talk called "Where Am I?" by Elder Mervyn B. Arnold and felt it was the perfect talk to think about starting this new year! I encourage you all to give it a read!

"We were born in this day and age to learn the lessons that we individually need and also to DO THE MOST GOOD with our individual talents and personalities."

You have so many gifts and talents that your loving Heavenly Father has given you, I encourage you all to make goals and plans to help build upon these talents and gifts that make you who you are.
I think Hermana Greenwood has seen "High School Musical" one too many times! =)

You is kind, you is smart, you is important. (Just in case you needed THE HELP remembering;) )

I love you all, thank you for your wonderful influences in my life!

Hermana Greenwood:)