Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Comfort Tabs

Mexican Independence Day (Old news, but photos just arrived) - Member, Hermana Clegg, & Hermana Greenwood

Laughter is one of the best forms of medicine. Here are some things that made me and my comp laugh this week!

Members' Home - Independence Day
-I was on the phone with a less active member outside of his house, his window was open, but we called because we weren't sure we were in front of the right house. We hear him talking in the house and he sneakily closed the window while talking to me on the phone and told me he was at work....

-We almost got eaten by a dog. We knocked on the door and the gate was broken and the dog started to attack me! Luckily the person who lived there came and got the dog before anything actually happened. We now avoid that road.

Native Dress Required to Partake of Meal

 -My companion glued her lips together.

-One of our investigators asked us if we would only marry somebody who had served a mission and was a part of our church. It was quite an interesting conversation.

-Sometimes I go on autopilot when walking and so we ended up taking, as my companion calls it, an "aggressively scenic route" to get to the house.

Sisters Greenwood & Soto (new trainee)
Scriptures are the antidote for anything.

This week was a little bit harder on me, it seemed like lots of little things were building up and I wasn't in control of what I wanted to be in control of. I decided to dedicate one of my personal study times to making "comfort tabs" in my scriptures. I thought back to some of the hardest times in my life and the scriptures that helped me through them. I went through and studied and put a little tab in my scriptures for all the significant verses and chapters that have had a big impact on me.

 I HIGHLY recommend doing this. It helped me remember all of the many times that I have seen the Lord's hand in my life. And it helped me remember that I am definitely not alone now.

And now I have all these scriptures handy for the next time life tries to get me down, and I am looking forward to adding more tabs of comfort to my scriptures. :)
I hope you all have an absolutely dandy week!

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


How cute is this???!!!

Not too much to report on this week, but the coolest thing happened.

Noche Mexicana

Missionaries at Noche Mexicana

Yesterday I picked up my trainee! Her name is Hermana Soto and she is from Arizona, but her parents are from Mexico so she is basically fluent in both English and Spanish! We had a cita last night that fell through so we were contacting people and this lady was sitting outside her house with her little grandson. We went up to her and talked to her about her grandson for a bit, and her family, and then started talking about religion. 

Work out time! She will miss Hermana Clegg!

She was super open and we ended up sharing basically the entire Restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon. We read a little together from the Introduction and she then told us about the dream that she had a few nights earlier. She had a dream that two people would come to her with a "new bible" and would place it in her hands, and she feels like this is God telling her what she is missing in her life. It was AMAZING. Our loving Heavenly Father is so aware of us each individually.
Aww, these sisters are such good friends!

Also this week I read the talk, "Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence" by Elder Holland, and I encourage you all to give it a read. It is so wonderful, as is this gospel. 
I am so grateful!

Decorated planner for new trainee

I love you all, 
and hope your lives are going swimmingly!! :)

Hermana Greenwood

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Highs and Lows

Mission Photo from Conference with Elder Bednar

Let's start with the lows:
-An investigator decided he didn't want to be involved with the church.
-One of our investigators couldn't come to church because of work and so we had to move back his baptismal date.
-We couldn't find anybody selling tamales this morning.

Now for the HIGHS:
-Another investigator is progressing wonderfully, reading her Book of Mormon every day.
-We found an awesome nuevo who is so excited to learn more.
-We have a big 15 Septiembre celebration this Friday with the whole Stake.
-We found a cool mountain path shortcut from one area to the other.
-The Lord's hand is in our lives on the DAILY, really on the hourly.
-The church is SO TRUE.

Selfie outside the apartment
There are highs and lows every week, pretty much every day, and often every hour of our lives. But what I have realized is that the weight of the highs is much greater than the lows. I am so grateful for the opposition that allows me to see and feel the immense joy that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I encourage you all to find ways to be grateful now, no matter how low or high you may feel. And I promise you the highs will always outweigh the lows, because we have a loving Heavenly Father, and this gospel is JOY.

The church is true. I know it, I live it, I love it.
Have a joyful week!

Hermana Greenwood :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Sister Missionaries at the Conference with Elder Bednar

Reunion with friends from CCM
This past week has been one of the most life changing weeks of my entire life. To kick it off, Elder Bednar came to our mission!! Ah, I can't even describe how incredible it was. We as a mission just talked to him. He asked questions and we asked questions and we all laughed together and had a good time. This gospel is joy, what else would we do? :)

The trek home after the Conference was a bit WET

One question that we asked was "What is the First Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles most worried about right now?" One of his responses was very interesting, and I think is very important for us all to evaluate in our lives. He said that they are worried that the members of the church are too casual. For example, many of us grew up with temples all around us and yet don't attend, or always put it off. It is SO important for us to work EVERY DAY to stay on the covenant path.

A glimpse upclose of the hills they get to climb every day

The moment Elder Bednar walked out of the room after the conference ended, I understood a part of what the people in 3rd Nephi feel when Christ says He needs to leave. I didn't want him to go, and my heart ached for more. But I am so grateful for the time that I got to spend with him! 
And luckily for us, conference is coming. :)

As I was reading in one of the Liahona's this past week there were a couple of quotes that really stood out to me that I want to share!

Distant snapshot of the MANY homes on the hills

Pet Whisperer (Batman Dog!)

"{God} smiles upon us as we offer heartfelt acts of compassion, especially acts that are unseen and unnoticed by others."

"God notices and will support even the newest and youngest deacon. You need never feel that you are too small or too insignificant for Him to take notice of you and the service you are giving in His name."

Princess Kim with her crown - Hermana Clegg has skills!

"Lift where you stand."

Pretty in Pink

I encourage you all to work hard to stay on the covenant path. And if you aren't on that path right now, to work hard to get there and stay there. Our Heavenly Father is so aware of us and is watching out for us more than we know. (Watch the Mormon Message titled "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father" from 2013) We all have such a unique purpose here, lift where you stand!

Hermana Greenwood:)