Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Beautiful new bracelet (matches her eyes)!
Tan line =)

All of the days have started to blur together, but the blur is definitely a beautiful one. I love being a missionary, I love being recognized on the streets as a representative of Jesus Christ, and I love learning to turn my life to be more in line with the life that Christ lived.

One of my favorite things to study during my personal study is talks, and I have been able to read from the Liahona from the past couple of months which I have grown to absolutely love. Elder Holland wrote an article in the June 2018 one that talks about Bearing One Another's Burdens. My favorite quote from it is, "We may not be able to alter the journey, but we can make sure no one walks it alone." 

Hot Plate Explosion! (That's one way to get a new one.)

Sometimes it is hard to know how to help other people, because we want to do it in the best way that we can, but sometimes the best way to help is simply letting them know that they are not alone. That we are there to walk with them through the good and the bad.

Elotes (Corn, Mexican-style)

This is something that I am definitely working towards. I want to help those around me know that they aren't alone. I want to help these people know that Christ knows exactly what they're going through, and He won't leave them, and that I am also here willing and eager to help.

Lucky Key Chain (Mexico City East Mission)

I encourage you all to look around and bear one another's burdens!

Have a wonderful week!

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Fenice Pulido's Baptism (Hermana Greenwood adores this family!)

Serving a mission in Mexico City is one of the coolest things ever. I have only been in the field for about a month, but I feel like so much has changed, especially my perspective. We are able to have hours of study time every day, and I feel like every day I learn something new about this gospel. I have gotten to hear so many people bear their testimonies and share their experiences and I gain a new perspective each time they do. We all have so much to contribute to this work, it is incredible.

Sisters Salazar & Greenwood (Exchanges!)

This past week we have been teaching a lady named Karina and her 9 year old daughter, Melisa. They just showed up to church a couple weeks ago after being contacted on the street and are so ready to learn about and follow Christ. I have loved watching Karina as she bears testimony of the Book of Mormon. That book is true. I know it, it changes lives.

Another lady recently returned from a trip, but it looks like she is going to go back for good. She is in a horrible situation and she called us the other day in tears. We brought her some of our leftover food and got her ice for a huge bruise she had on her leg. We couldn't do much for her, but just sitting and listening to her and crying with her was what she needed.

Mexico is amazing, and the gospel is so incredibly true. I want each of you to know how big a part you play in Heavenly Father's plan. I believe Elder Holland gave a talk about how each of us 'have a part in the choir.' I testify that that is true. We each have a part, a very big part, and we can all learn so much from each other.

Have a wonderful week!!

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Best Combination

Sisters Greenwood & Maynes
Although my Spanish doesn't flow much at all, this past week has flown by. My ward here is so loving, everybody cleans their sidewalk with soap and a broom, they are constantly playing music or setting off loud firework noises, a dog almost bit my hand off, I know how to make a couple Mexican dishes, and this morning we had a district activity with WAFFLES. We all made waffles and had juice and shared family photos and it was a wonderful time.


The best combination is everything I mentioned above mixed with, and more importantly, what I mention next, because new gospel insights are my favorite thing. 

Chocolate-filled Croissants

I had an interview with my Mission President this past week and asked him something along the lines of, "How do I know that I am doing enough? I want to do all I can to be the best missionary I can be." And what he said surprised me. He said, "You will never be enough." 

While that was a low blow, it really got me thinking. He's totally right - I won't ever be enough - that's the beauty of this gospel. We can make it ONLY WITH Christ. He doesn't just make up the difference, He is the difference.

Two Months - Two Kinder Eggs

If you get the chance, read the talk, "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. Now my focus is to do what I can each day, re-evaluate, and try to do better the next day. That's what life is all about right? Doing what we can and loving what we do. :)

Have a magnificent week!

Hermana Greenwood :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


4th of July Ice Cream 

A few things I love about Mexico: the food that is on EVERY corner, the members, the cute little markets that are on the streets, and the constant fiestas.

4th of July

A few crazy things that have happened: I saw the driver and the passenger of a truck change seats while moving, we talked to a guy who told us he loved marijuana so much that he named his girl Mary Jane, another guy stopped us and we started inviting him to church but he told us he only wanted to talk to us because we were beautiful, there was a protest outside of the Metrobus we were on for a good 20 minutes, and the members that we live with own SEVEN dogs who love to bark. :)

Comp insisted Kim try Mexican Coke  (now back to no soda)

A few things to remember: God loves you and knows you, He is in the details of your lives. If you are ever feeling lonely, look up the song "He'll Carry You" by Hilary Weeks.

We had Zone Conference this past week about Ministering Angels and Faith in Jesus Christ. One of my favorite parts from it was about how faith without works is dead. BUT, what I had never thought of before is that works without faith is also dead. We can't expect to simply pray, read our scriptures, go to church just going through the motions. We need to put in the effort and then we receive the blessings of the Lord, and what great blessings there are to be had. 

P-Day Temple Trip

I challenge you all to re-commit to do all the "primary answers"(reading, praying, going to church) but with the determination to learn something new. I promise that you will receive answers to your questions. Because as President Nelson said last conference, the Lord wants to open the heavens unto us!

Have a splendid week!
Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Cute pic found on CCM Facebook page before Sister Greenwood's departure to the field

Cleaning baptismal font
Font is ready for Sara and Mildred's baptisms

For the first couple days of this week I felt like a walking Bobblehead. I could only pick out a few words that people were saying in their sentences and all I did was smile and nod. :) 

BUT I have already picked up on a few more words and can already feel the Lord speaking through me. Yesterday was really cool because I was able to speak more in lessons than ever before. I never know exactly what is going on, but I can understand the overall topic. I was able to share some scriptures and share my testimony in the broken Spanish that I have. I came home feeling better than I ever have before!

Sushi restaurant owned by a member


Note: Kim is not a sushi fan, but she was sooo hungry she enjoyed it!

If you get the chance, you should read the talk "Finding Joy in the Journey" by President Thomas S. Monson. It changed my life. The first couple of days I found it so hard to think of doing this for another many months, but my perspective was completely changed with this talk. 

Finding joy in pineapple and the scriptures
Finding joy in Domino's pizza

There is always ALWAYS joy to be found, we should take each moment, find the silver lining, and enjoy it as much as possible. 

A quote I love goes something like this, "If you don't like something about your life, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it." Life is too short to be unhappy. :)

Finding joy in getting soaked in the rain!

Great quote from MTC friend

Have a grand week!

Hermana Greenwood:)