Tuesday, October 30, 2018


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Sometimes being on a mission feels like you are climbing a really really big mountain. There are sharp rocks, and dusty paths, your muscles ache, and your water supply is running low. And far too often you just end up watching your feet, not looking around you. The path ahead feels daunting, but the moment you look up and see how far you've come, and see the view from where you are, that moment is what makes it all worth it.

Fun hats (member provided)

The Lord is with us on our journey home. Just when you feel like you won't make it another step, a little gust of wind pushes you from behind. When you are about to collapse from lack of water, a little stream is put in your path. Each step we take in the right direction, with the Lord, makes us just that much stronger.

Member received a mission call!

This week I was reading in Moroni 10. I share this chapter with people all the time and felt like I should really study it more. I wrote down all the things Moroni exhorts us to do. I encourage you all to do the same! When we follow Moroni's counsel, many things are promised in return.

P-day feast

Recently my Dad shared this quote with me from Elder Uchtdorf:
"It's human nature to stumble, fail, and sometimes want to drop out of the race. But as disciples of Christ, we have committed not only to begin the race but also to finish it."

Don't know the story, but looks fun!

Christ is with us every step of the way. Let Him in. I know that the journey can be rough and rocky, the race full of switchbacks and thorns, but with Christ it is possible. And more than that, it's enjoyable.
I love this gospel with all my heart.

Have an amazing week!
Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Streets look a little intimidating -- just another day for the missionaries!

Daily Planning

This past week has been full of incredibly low lows and incredibly high highs, and as I was studying Helaman 5, my one big take away is to REMEMBER.

Missionary Welcome

  • Remember how merciful the Lord is.
  • Remember that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can overcome any trial, affliction, or shortcoming that we may face.
  • Remember that to get closer to Christ we will be shown our weakness, but that His light outshines any darkness we are in.
  • Remember to fear not, because we have the Lord on our side.
  • Remember how much Heavenly Father loves YOU.

Smooch from a Pooch

He knows you perfectly and He loves you perfectly. You will never be forgotten. My challenge to you is to never forget Him.

I love you all! Have a miraculous week!!

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Soaking It In

Kim's future ride

Update on my life in Mexico:

-There is a restaurant here called Los Comales that is a piece of heaven on earth

-I ate pansita... (cow stomach).... 1.2793/10 might possibly recommend

Just a selfie for fun

-A member this morning told me that everything that is bad that happens in America (including hurricanes) is because Trump is President

SOAKED (no umbrella that day)

-I accidently put five pesos in a conch shell and thought it would be stuck there forever

 -We control the weather. If we bring umbrellas, it doesn't rain... if we don't... it POURS

Amazing food at a member's restaurant

Being a missionary is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love sharing the hope and love that the message of Jesus Christ provides.

Elsie- restaurant owner and friend!

Just like the rain soaking us through to the bone, I try to soak in every scripture study that I have. I echo what Richard G. Scott encouraged us to do back in 2011, and I encourage you all to return with new eyes and new ears to the scriptures, for they indeed are our spiritual lifeline.

Have an outstanding week and SOAK in the goodness of 
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Revelations and Invitations

Hermana Greenwood with cute Chihuahua in honor of her brother's mission =)
Pizza lunch with other missionaries between Saturday sessions of Conference

Conference weekend was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!

This week I just wanted to put some of my favorite quotes/thoughts from conference.

"Fear limits the perspective of God's children."
"Our love for Him and His gospel will push all fears aside."
"The battle will rage on, but when we stand with the Lord we need not fear."
-Elder Rasband
Picnic lunch with a member between Sunday sessions of Conference

"See people not as interruptions, but as the purpose of your life."
 -Michelle Lynn Craig

"When we know who we are, and our purpose, we are unstoppable."
-Pres. Oaks

Sisters Greenwood & Soto - matching dresses just for fun
"Discouragement and disappointment will come, but they're not allowed to stay."
 -Elder Andersen

I am going to add my invitation to that of President Nelson: study these messages! Conference was absolutely amazing and 
full of revelation.

But let's not forget that with EVERY revelation, there is an invitation to act. I invite you all to study and remember the revelation that you received and to 
act upon it!

Have a magnificent week!
Hermana Greenwood:)

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

First Steps

This week was definitely one of the craziest weeks on my mission. One of our wonderful investigators was supposed to get baptized and in a crazy turn of events he didn't. From losing his job, to practically losing himself and his faith, he chose to not get baptized. While my heart hurt immensely for him and his decision, I am forever grateful for the gift of agency that we all have.

Below is a poem that I wrote this week, and I encourage you all to remember that no matter how lost or alone you may feel, Christ's light will lead the way.

Temple Trip
First Steps
I took my first steps
A long time ago
And now I look back
And feel like a pro

I walk and I run
With grace and with ease
And I can just go
Wherever I please

But when I sit down
And really reflect
Hermanas with Obi-Pan-Kanobi
About how I've grown
I cannot neglect

My Father above
Has given me all
He's always been there
Even when I fall

He helps me stand up
And brush off the dust
And He leads me on
In Him I must trust

The grace that I've felt
Was never from me
It comes from His son
Who gives willingly

The ease of my stride
Is because of Him
Who leads and who guides
So I'm never grim

Follow in his steps
And you won't get lost
He'll help you get through
Whatever the cost

Feel lost or alone?
Christ's light leads the way
He's right by your side
And right there He'll stay

Have a most excellent week and never forget that you are loved!
Hermana Greenwood:)